Photo post of my STRength cosplay!
I'll post this before I post about the great weekend I had at FanExpo! I need to find more pictures of my cosplay first though haha..
one finger.... complete!
I was supposed to wear these on my biceps, but they kept brushing up against the arms, so I didn't wear them. I added black foam in the center for comfort... they were very form fitting!
If you have questions, feel free to ask below in the comment section!
I worked really hard on this... it's my first major self-made (with some help from friends of course) cosplay!
Please look forward to more pictures in the future. I was lucky enough to have a private photoshoot with my buddy Thomas!
Ughh I'm in so much pain right now.... I know it'll be worth it though lol
I'VE BEEN WORKING ON STRENGTH! That's why I've been quiet. Please forgive ;w;
This will be a rather quick post (I hope) since Sachie just left and I'm really sore right now from being in awkward positions all day.
Anyways I think I've already dropped..... well... at least over 100$ on this project. actually... probably 150$
Which I don't mind if it turns out well!
I won't tell you much of the progress, because ALL of the MOETRON girls (including myself) put a lot of time and work into this. It wouldn't be fair to reveal all the things we did, in order to keep some of the pride just for ourselves. :3
You can expect more picture when it's closer to completion! I can't believe how much sanding this took... I don't own a saw or a sander... so all of the pieces were sanded by hand by us (mostly me, Carmen and Jennie) a lot of the planning was lead by Sachie and Jean, but it was a team effort from all of us! I feel very lucky to have such friends who would travel from a couple cities over to help me with a project. ;w;
It was my first time making a prop, so it's very exciting!
Those pictures were from a couple of weekends ago. Today Sachie came over to my house again to work on the arms with me. I think I can safely say that they're about 75% finished. As it stands now, my outfit is 10% and the wig is 100% finished. So... I feel confident that I'll be ready by FanExpo this year. (I better... I'm getting death threats from Sachie LOL)
I feel bad that I'm not giving you any progress picture though... so I'll offer you my latest upload to MOETRONcos' YouTube! (It's about how to cut a wig!)