Tuesday 1 January 2013

Goals for 2013

Happy 2013 everyone! 2012 was an interesting year for me and since I made a resolution post last year, I figured I'd continue with this year as well:
  • Fashion and style. I want to learn different more hairstyles and expand my makeup collection. I need to learn how to wear different looks, so that I look a little more polished for each occasion. ( ˘・з・) It would also be nice if I could improve my wardrobe a bit.. and buy outfits rather than mix matched pieces.
  • Work habits. I need to quit procrastinating and focus more on my studies. ヽ(`Д´)ノ
  • Peace of mind. I want to try and stop getting jealous over small things and start being happy for the achievements of others.  Especially when it comes to looks. ヾ(・ε・。)
  • Lifestyle. Basically stop being a lazy bum and start exercising more often! ┌(_Д_┌ )┐
I also tried fixing the way I speak so that it's proper English, attempts at socializing, improving my blog and working on appearing nicer in cosplay photos.

I think overall I did well in my main goals. I feel as if I've improved in my self-esteem a little which means I'm more confident in myself and less prone to becoming really depressed about others. It still happens on occasion, I'm still working on it, but I can say I'm generally a happier person than I was last year.

In terms of exercise I've lost a total of 20 lbs. I was a solid 150 lbs during Otakon 2012 and now I'm sticking around the 130 mark. I've kept it off with minimal exercise and just healthy eating. No more junk... kinda. ;9 I think it's due to this that I've managed a change in attitude somewhat. I think losing the weight has boosted my self-esteem immensely and has helped me in achieving my goals for my hobbies like cosplay.

  1. I've networked and met so many amazing people this year! 
  2. I travelled with Moetron members to two events in the US. 
  3. I expanded my following on all platforms - Facebook, Twitter and this blog. (I've surpassed 30 000 pageviews on this blog and 400 followers on my Facebook page.)
  4. I've done press and have taken photos for some amazing cosplayers. 
  5. I've had my photo featured on Kotaku!  
I'm so thankful that people find my content interesting enough to read or subscribe to. This year I'd like to continue with these goals! However, I want to improve on my cosplay, social networking and my blog.. I want to see if I can make something out of this!

Thank you for another wonderful year and may all your wishes come true. :)

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