This past month has been a little crazy! November and early December is always crunch time for post-secondary students because all of the profs give the largest assignments at this time and exams are very stressful.

I'm an English major, so writing many essays is a no-brainer for me. I'm starting to learn how to crank them out like a boss when I know the subject well enough.

I still get all of my work done though. Hehe.

Today I just finished my last exam for the week! I have another one on the 21st, yet I feel like I'm already on holidays. I can't wait for Christmas since it's also the time of my little brother's birthday and my Nana and Papa's wedding anniversary! I miss my family..

It's not all bad though! This Sunday I get to see all of my lovely waifus from MOETRNcos!

Until next time!

aww good luck on all your exams! and can't wait to meet up with you all!!