Obligatory camwhore shot since I felt pretty
(sorry for the messy living room haha~ Most of the bags have things for my dad's work in them)

It's peach flavored ;) it was actually very good! I'm not much of a drinker, so looking at all the drinks was a little frustrating haha
We also had birthday cake waiting at home for us! I love the icing on birthday cake soooo much!!
I especially loved the flowers on top.. and there was custard in between layers~~ I had too much XD
And now for the GETS!
A Coach purse, a pack of pokemon cards, a case for my camera, the actual camera (which my parents went half-in for), a hand-held massager and Katamari Forever!
The massager has these weird prong things.. and it vibrates haha. My brother got it for me because my legs always lock up and get stiff.And the purse my nana got for me! I don't really follow brand names, but it's nice to have something trendy if I ever decide to dress up.
It's only big enough to hold the essentials though.
All in all it was a great day! Many people wished me happy birthday over twitter and facebook, so I'm very grateful to them! It really made me feel special
And now a shot of my new dog! (He acts more like a puppy though haha~)

All in all it was a great day! Many people wished me happy birthday over twitter and facebook, so I'm very grateful to them! It really made me feel special

And now a shot of my new dog! (He acts more like a puppy though haha~)