So I was really happy today!! Well, not at first.. but it turned out alright :3 So here's what happened!
At work today, my mom and I were walking to the café to get breakfast when we heard a smack on the window beside us. We went over and saw that it was a hummingbird that had flown into the window...

I managed to encourage my mom to go out there and move it out of the sun and gravel and onto some nearby grass under the shade of a tree. It could still flap its wings and stand on it's feet, so we think it was just dazed a little.. I didn't want to go out myself though because I've never held a bird before, so I thought my mom would be more gentle... I didn't want to hurt it!
Afterwards I felt very good.. I believe things happen for a reason, so I'm glad we helped the bird... I hope it's alright......

I updated my youtube!! The first time in like... FOREVER. Sorry about that bytheway.....
Here's the dance! Tell me what you think?? :D
I also joined a group channel with Sachie, Ringo and Jean (known as Lia on the channel)!

We've already got a couple of videos up, so feel free to check those out!
Also, Anime North is this weekend!!

Until next time!

LOL you can walk, it's not that far ;D