I just started working full-time for the company my mom works for. You could call it an 'office job'. I'm there for a summer student program they have, where they place you in a departmeny based on your major. I ended up in Technical Publications; which deals in making the manuals for operating and repairing the turrets the company manufactures.

Yaaaa... turrets
They have me working under a woman who edits the manuals and formats them so they look nice and pretty for when they're published. (grunt work

I wasn't allowed to take my camera because the people there don't want stuff they're working on to be leaked out (since they make stuff for the gouvernment).

I work 9 hours every day and wake up at 6...

That said, I will DEFINITELY be cut down on personal time. Time to learn or record dances will be pushed back I'm afraid. I'll only ever really be available on the weekends D:
On another note:
Until next time!

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