So... not even a week before Anime North ended I was recruited (peer pressured?) into cosplaying STRENGTH from Black Rock Shooter with the rest of MOETRON(my cosplay group if you haven't already figured it out from my previous posts hahaha)

I think I was mostly recruited because they wanted to have another photoshoot. I don't mind obviously since I'll be included in that photoshoot as well haha ;D The photographers will be Ray Lum and Thomas Truong. (As far as I know)I haven't worked with Ray before, so I'm very excited since I love his work!!

I haven't actually started making the cosplay, but I've looked at a couple of wigs. Bad news though, I overheard on the news that Canada Post might be going on strike?

Anyways this post will be based mostly around reference pictures and ideas that I think might work! So onto the reference images:
She also has a non-hands version! That way I can still have a complete cosplay while not wearing my hands ;D
I don't know if her top is just a short skirt, or if it's like.... a jumpsuit?
The figmas look like it might be a skirt.. but the PVC figure makes me want to say jumpsuit....

A shot from the OVA.........
I'm going to say short skirt.... And that neck warmer looks detached from the rest of the outfit... I'm gonna look at fabric this weekend and see what I might be able to do with pleather. For her arms I'm doing foam and some AWESOME glue I'll find somewhere. I'm also going to hollow out the inside and put a handle inside... to get that 'my arm is cut off' effect.
Then I can just hold the handles! Her ankle circles though... How should I make those without having to cut them off each time I need to change? I want them to look solid too....

So many questions and so little time ; ^ ; Everyone else had a little longer to get they're stuff together... I'm such a noob at this lol. If you have any ideas then for sure send me a comment!
Until next time!

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